In my future, I will live among the stars and the earth will be my moon.
I will trade my flower gardens for equations that will plot my path from galaxy to galaxy.
Everything will be relative to each other as I travel through space; visiting other plants where stars dance around its sphere.
I will create stars, and understand the physics of the design in the universe.
For to know what is, is to ponder beyond one’s own thought; stretching the mind's eye to other places in our universe of endless darkness.
This static universe of energy, this dark energy within us that permeates our life form, will give a new awareness to old ways of thinking of our endurance with the rest of the universe.
My existence is just a grain of sand surrounded by millions of other grains of sand somewhere.
Therefore, I do not cling to my presence mode of life.
No sorrow will dampen my eyes.
My dreams are bigger than what I know in this life. As I grow in understanding my role in all things, my future becomes clear and inviting.